In the modern age, what do you think about Voting Rights?
10 votes
Politicians are corrupt and all deserve the axe
Democracy doesn't work anymore and we need a new system for the 21st century
Popular Vote only, no more Electoral College BS!
Who votes anymore when we are all busy doing Art?
"Everything is fine here, how are you?"
I only vote on DeviantArt Polls

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The-Darkwolf's avatar
I think the system might need some updating and revision.  When approaching the electoral college system, though, most dissenters should remember that (observation from a country without one) this will mean outright dominance of the country by a few heavily populated areas around major cities, nullifying the vote of the rest of the country.  The system has been updated in the past, but there are a lot of weaknesses, which, quite frankly, are the fault of the citizenry as well. 

Whilst people elsewhere are willing to walk long distances and face threat by armed terrorists to vote in other nations, large portions of the population can't be bothered to show up in many western countries.  Likewise, few people attempt to educate themselves about candidates or issues apart from a convenient twitterfeed and heavily-influenced news agencies which are under the control of about a dozen individuals.  :shrug:  Also, the fact that most people vote in reactionary patterns, against the outgoing officeholder rather than FOR the next one.

What was that phrase?  "The worst political system, except for all the others..."